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Transcribe & Publish with Draft

This post will take you about 2 minutes to read.

As a student intern with sports information, I used to have to transcribe coaches and players quotes for the media. I used an old recorder to rewind the tape.

It was full of frustration. But part of me misses transcribing those quotes. You can miss something even if you didn’t like it.

So when I learned Draft lets you transcribe any media inside its simple online word processor - I wanted to give it a try.

Here’s how you can transcribe and publish a public folder using the web app.

For this example, lets say we want to transcribe this Youtube video from Newcastle.

Check out this short screencast below. There is no audio, but follow the steps once you login to your Draft account.

Transcribing Tricks

Draft lets you loop the actual audio or video. This example is only 16 seconds, but you get the idea. This is extremely helpful because it eliminates the step of having to pause the video, type, restart the video, pause again, and continuing typing.

Publish the folder

Once finished you transcribing, you can name your document and move back to the folder you created. Then with one click, you can publish the folder and add any subdomain you choose It’s that simple.

Other cool things you can do is change the css by embedding a override.css file in the folder and host more than one document using an Index file. Check out this post for more information.

Draft is built by Nate Kontny and you should give it a try.